Friday, June 09, 2006

I Don't Want to Do Anything Today

This is one of those days where you wish it would start raining or something so at least there's a reason not to go outside, but as of right now, there's no reason not to go outside and do something, I just don't want to. It would be good for me. But I don't want to. What's wrong with being genuinely happy, without having to "do" something? I can do something to feel happy and useful, but I just don't want to. I don't want to do anything. People know this about me. They say have you figured out what you want to do? And I say no. Most people, if I ask them, don't know what they want to do either. Can't we just do nothing? Why do we have to do something? Why do we need a title? I'm a lawyer. I'm a doctor. I'm a pastor. I'm a mechanic. I repair commercial espresso makers for Starbucks and I've got it made. I'm a baker, and I sell my pasties directly to delis all over Colorado. I'm a barrista. I'm a writer. I'm an artist. Those careers are usually questioned, unlike doctor and lawyer. We all know what doctor and lawyer mean, but when you say I'm a writer, I'm an artist, the natural progression is, have you had anything published? Are you actually successful, or did your mom tell you your writing was good and you call yourself a writer based solely on that?


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