Aprilia Caponord
Paid a visit to Black and Read today. Criminy. Take Barnes & Noble, have an earthquake, and add 20 years. It's so messy fun! They have two main rooms; vinyl, skirted by porn, pipes and rock vid's; and books. I found lot's of Brautigan, Keruoac, Hem, and everything else, but they're not used-bookstore-cheap. They're "cool" cheap, which isn't really cheap. I got a handfull of books I'd been looking for, like this one. They also had killer games, like the Bard's Game, a Shakespeare thing where you put on a play and compete for good reviews, or something. The employees were colorful and talkative, like Bard's themselves, loudly expressing opionons on stuff. Maybe it is what City Lights was.
Then, went to my doctor's, then here for lunch.

...is my dream bike, case you were wondering. Aprilia "Capo" - sounds like an Italian piece of shit, don't it? Probably is, but it rolls off the tongue, like Lamborghini, or Linguine.
No diabetes! Whew, that's out of the way - I need a frappucino. The blood sugar thing was just that. A blood sugar thing.
Amazing: I got comments on my blog today! I can't believe it. Keep 'em coming - and don't be too gentle. It's about the writing, and you can find some if you look hard.
"Amsterdam's a cespool of humanity. With some nice museums." - Black and Read guy.
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