God's Heretic, Greg Boyd

(Click Greg's face to see website)
Yes, I'm still a right-winged, angry repub, but Greg Boyd's right. Our Kingdom is not of this earth, and neither do we see Jesus carry on about politics. Everything is directed to the individual - slaves, masters, deny yourself, pick up your cross, pay your taxes, leaders are established by God (was that Paul?). Greg Boyd's title, "the Heretic," in Christianne Amanpour's recent CNN special, "God's Christian Warriors" references the most common result in her Googling of his name. Is he? To be a heretic, don't you have to misinterpret the Bible? Has he done that? Not so far, but I'm new to Greg Boyd and I'm doing my research.
Either way, I was impressed by the report. Besides being one of the best things I've ever seen on CNN, it was balanced to a fault. Christianne could have been an internal house cleaner for the Church the way she presented our issues. Was she harsh? No. Too balanced for CNN, I'd say. She didn't get the memo about picking on right-winged Christians in an election year. I have yet to see "God's Jewish Warriors," and want to, because the phrase slams an "Eye of Sauron-like" image into my brain of Mel Brooks driving a tank backwards and holding a wooden short sword.
Anyways, check it out. Knowing they have made something good for once in a long while, CNN is running it ad nauseam.
Greg Boyd was one of my professors at Bethel College 15 years ago. He was part of a team of 3 guys that lectured in the required course on Christianity and Western Culture. Honestly, I don't remember a single word he said (to be fair, I can't remember what any of the other lecturers said either), but I do remember that I looked forward to the days he was scheduled to talk.
He's since left Bethel, and I know he's become quite the firebrand, but I still feel like I did as a college freshmen about his words --eager to listen, whether I fully agree or not. It's a conversation worth having.
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