Friday, September 22, 2006

Boobs, boobs, boobs...(read on)

Dear Princess Leah,

Okay, I know the breastfeeding in public debate is pretty much over, but here's the thing: this chick comes into Concordia Coffee everyday, at least everyday I'm there, purposefully, just to flop 'em out. Everyday! Now, I laugh at people who think it's wrong. My reaction is like anyone in my family who has a kid, the focus is on the baby. I think "if he's hungry, get 'er done!" It's a little odd, though, that she stands up and twirls around, kid latched on, no covering, for all to see. "Yay, look at my me!" And you want to obey, because it's a baby, but a boob too, so you can't look at the boob, but you can look at the baby, but not now, because the boob is there, and this is a private moment, done in public, like people kissing, so look and you're a perv!

Then, I'm at New Seasons and behold, another one. This girl's a hawk. Her eyes dart around, making sure nobody looks. Did I mention she was in a crowded line at the deli? She sees me and gives a look of disgust, like I was Dirk Diggler with an inflatable luge doll under each arm. It's not fair. I'm not lusting. I'm looking at the kid and thinking, gee, when's my turn? (to have a kid, duh)

Breastfeeding is good. It's natural, and some phenomenal things happen through breastmilk. I've heard a mother can take in a bacteria or virus, build an immunity, and pass it on to the baby through milk. Breastmilk is used to heal infections - someone I know said she rubbed it on her baby's eye and the rash went away. Breastfeeding burns 500 calories a day. Heck, that's good enough reason. Still, it's an awkward thing in public.

Grey, where are you? You'd have the right take on this.

Here's what I propose:

Guys, (uses the vocative) you get one glance at breastfeeders. Lesbo's, as well. One glance! And if you're caught, no penalty. You get the same allowance for people kissing. You look, but don't stare, because who cares?

BTW - Princess Leah, you need to drop a comment soon, or I'll have to re-address my blog to the middle distance, or to Claire, my new beloved barrista! =o]


At 3:23 PM, Blogger Aaron Stewart said...

This was an entertaining read and insightful as well.

At 12:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, okay. I'll oblige you with a comment. How about this one:

It is probably a good thing you have found a new beloved barrista. I am actually no longer going to be slinging coffee. So that is fun times.

Oh, and I moved - and you were nowhere to be found to wrap up my dishes in newspaper. So that is not so fun times.

Hope the rainy city is treating you excellently.

And my two bits: if a woman is going to breastfeed it in public, she has to put up with being stared at. Just like men who need to scratch, pdas, and picking a wedgie. If you don't want to be looked at, don't do it in public.

At 3:59 PM, Blogger Steve Sheppard said...

Wait! I didn't mean it! Claire means nothing to me! So she made me latte once. That was it. I'm a man, I got needs. It was a one time thing.

Sorry you moved and quit the Press. Times change right? I'll give you a call over the holidays if you're around. We can go to Mori! (laughs)

At 7:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(Grey here) and my take is as follows...and this will be as concise as I am able to make it today... and this goes strictly for the readytoscorn at mostly innocent noticers, not gawkers... but, if it's a boob being used in public as a mammary device it's not the public fault for noticing , it is the boob-owners issue for bringing it out and labeling with scornlooks those who notice as boobgawkers and not breastfeeding noticers. You aren't moodlighting or a napkin holder, you are a person in society doing something dissimilar from those around you, it will be noticed.

and the in the moment pretend play-by-play

---Oh, it's a lady with a baby. Whoa, she's breastfeeding the baby, how cute...haven't seen that here befor..., oh shit and she justed noticed me looking, shit, I gotta look away and visbily feel ashamed of myself for her benefit-oh how dare I debase this beautiful thing, because this is so much different from a moment ago when I get caught brainpowering that series of symbols into a written word on that 13/16/22/27 year old's butt and going "Oh" but then later thinking, "well, seems like someone is trying to be noticed."'s where the irony drumroller should be swift with it...
because this new parent is starting off being in intention and function the model of bad parenting. Bee-cauuse... it's not about their baby. It's about them; and whatever they're into or reasoning for it.

I would think there would be a claim that it's about their baby, Redherring. As though this infant is so special and we should all go through our day casting our eyes away to give it respect and deference appropriate this beautiful creature and not to notice their mother's mammary device being used in this place.
And anyone with any bit of feudal history knowledge please appreciate the subtle allusion to emerging aristrocratic behaving "princess" mentalities.

So, just couldn't get myself to delete any of the above bits..., since I rarely contribute a post. Cheers Stever, it was fun to play in your little world and get back into checking into your voice. :)

At 11:02 PM, Blogger Steve Sheppard said...

Grey - exactly what I was looking for. Is there anyone, and I mean anyone, who can say it like you? Brainpowering, scornlooks, drumroller - Jack Keruoac smiles from his grave, you should know.

At 5:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 5:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Birds do it (do they?), Bees do it (do bees have milk), aw, shit, I do it. And I don't care who sees. I'm on my third kid and boobs are nothing more than soft, warm, skin-covered, glorified bottles. I just finished weaning my 7 month-old and donated over 1300 ounces to a milk bank for preemies. People make too big a deal about boobs here. When I was in France with my last kid, my French in-laws asked me to move my receiving blanket I was using to hide my nursing baby--they wanted to watch. My sister in law said "Que c'est beau, ca!" How beautiful! The act of breastfeeding seemed to be like an art or like a delicate ballet or something.

I think God's primary purpose for boobies was to feed the babies and I think that our society has made a bigger deal out of boobs than necessary (like ankles used to be)...have you ever felt guilty for accidentally seeing someone's ankles?

Whoa! This soapbox is making me dizzy! Gotta step down now.


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