Caving In (not a think piece)

Late last night, on one of Portland's 250 cable access channels, I saw Sister Paula. Her sermon was God supplies all our needs, but the main point was that you have to work with your hands, and if you don't work for long enough, you begin to feel empty. I agree. I feel emptiness in my soul sometimes because I'm not working a job right now.
I sent out four emails yesterday on job openings and got two responses, one by phone. There are lots of hourly jobs, but I'm not wired hourly. I go crazy. One summer I worked at a dry fruit plant, which is already a problem because I hate dried fruit. Talk about taking the best part of fruit away to make it dry and more conventient, but yucky! But my job was to stand in one place for 8 hours across from another guy and pick up pallets of fruit and move them to be hauled off by a forklift. One place. 8 hours. That's the definition for madness, for me anyways. Hey it paid well, but you still go mad.
Couple of options. Go crawling back to Fibersphere, who probably hired somebody the next day, but I could con them. That was great opportunity, but I found I had to explain that more to myself than to other people. Or do what I know, which is wiring houses, which I've done for eight years. Jobs in technology bore me, though. I interact with people. I enjoy talking to people, and wiring and programming the alarms is the boring part. I don't fit in with the other tech-guys. They chain-smoke, cuss, and go to strip bars. Not that I couldn't do all those things. I just don't want to, does that make sense?
"His" sermon, to be perfectly correct
Sorry it's challenging right now...
Haha, she actually introduces herself as "Sister Paula, your favorite transsexual minister!"
I've wanted to meet her for some time now.
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