Sunday, July 09, 2006


loneliness is like two bullfrogs mating in a dried out creek bed off Mission Boulevard. loneliness reminds me of the big green trout that sat in the same place in Lake Ralphine and wouldn't let anyone catch him no matter what manner of fishing device they used. loneliness is like the man who fished there everyday with corn and ham, by the pier where you rent pedal boats. loneliness is like the day I had to clean up my room and found an old chocolate Easter bunny and took a small bite because it was going to have to last all day. earth is lonely.


At 6:28 AM, Blogger Medio Pomelo said...

Loneliness disappears as soon as you share the bunny's ears with someone. Or as soon as you go out with your digi cam, take a picture while thinking of someone, and sending it to them.

In my case, loneliness also vanishes the moment I step into a clothes store downtown but it's too shallow to admit. :)) So shh, keep it as our first secret :)

At 10:33 AM, Blogger Steve Sheppard said...

Thanks Dora, I feel better now. The poem started out as "My Loneliness," but that was just way too Donner Party. Bunny's ears?

At 1:29 AM, Blogger Medio Pomelo said...

You know, the chocolate Easter Bunny's. The one that you munched up all by yourself! :)

At 11:25 PM, Blogger Amy said...

I get it.


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