Writing and Jetskiing
I'm writing a new script. Details later, but I wrote 68 pages in two days, all of which have to be dumped already. It's a comedy and I put some funny, comedic scenes in, but that damned thing that all scripts require, Plot, crept in and ruined everything. Not that all movies today even have one. I see quickly why so many Adam Sandler movies have odd, out-of-place elements dropped into act I, one's where you already see the payoff, or it's so obvious that you're now looking for a payoff and can't focus on the plotless plot. It's writing, folks. You have to "give people what they expect in ways they never expected." So here's one big prob, I need my copy of Story, known as the screenwriter's bible, which is in a box in Colorado. Anyone wanna go by EJ's and ruffle through my boxes looking for it? Just kidding. I'll pick up a paperback somewhere.
My little brother and I went jetskiing last Sunday. Here's a few pics.

In case you're wondering, we rented the Seadoo RXT and the Yamaha VX110.
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