Rejection, the Sequel...
Whoohoo! This one's a doozy. Jordan Green from Ankeny Briefcase, Donald Miller's long awaited (2 years) literary journal, rejected my story - finally! What a relief. I thought from his dozen emails (over the past 2 years) praising my work, he'd actually publish one damned story. Instead, "we just picked 30 we liked and went with them." Great.
Now, I'm not mad. I just want to say one thing.
Jordan, kiss my butt, you buttkissing notalent - (strike) actually I don't even know if you have talent, because I can't find a damn thing you've written! As for Don Miller, I haven't read him in two years, since he sold out to the shallow CBA money trench. "Keep it edgy" you said, but I found some of the shit you're using - and it's edgy allright. It's perched on the dull edge of gay-Christian, happy-ending, seekersensitive, reacharound babble. Enjoy the navel-gazing-revolution that is Christian try-too-hard literature. All the arbitrary pipe smoking, ear-piercing and beard growing won't save bad, unoriginal writing.
As for the next issue, you'll excuse me if I don't hold my breath. I'd rather write fortune cookies than be in the Ankeny Briefcase. At least one person would read it, and they'd have something to digest afterwards. Oh, and good luck trying to Emergify CBA, but if you pull your head out of you-know-who's bung for two seconds, you'll see that it's pointless.